All of us here at LaffCon Planning Committee Headquarters wish all of you a delightful 2017. We dare to hope that you'll clear your calendar and plan now to be at LaffCon2 in June. The following photo may or may not have been doctored by someone with poor photoshop skills. The following photo may or may not accurately represent the sort of things that will happen at LaffCon2.
(FoL Editor K. Cheek providing a seat for R. Lafferty)
Here's to everyone keeping their New Year's resolutions this year. Let's all lose a little weight, drink a little less, and celebrate Lafferty a lot more in 2017.
“It was on New Year's that Finnegan stopped drinking. He did not drink again till they were in Freetown, Sierra Leone on January 26. He had never been able to go all the way through January, but this time he was very near it.”
-R. A. Lafferty. The Devil Is Dead.